Friday, January 22, 2010

How can we make it possible?

Use 3R – reuse, reduce and recycle. This is a few ways for offices to show their commitment and participate in saving the Mother Nature.

More sustainable management of waste not only makes sense for the environment, but can improve your bottom line.

  • Reducing the amount of waste produced can cut disposal costs

  • Reusing material previously considered as waste saves energy and raw materials.

  • Recycling materials can minimise the burden of waste collection, transportation and disposal.


  • Photocopy and print on both sides

  • Send e-mail memos to save paper

  • Store data electronically to avoid printing off

  • Review documents on-screen before printing to avoid waste

  • Update your mailing lists to avoid duplication, waste and added cost

  • Remove your name from junk mailing lists

  • Buy in bulk or in concentrated form

  • Don’t use bin liners in bins collecting dry waste

  • Avoid disposable items

  • Purchase durable equipment. By purchasing a more expensive, durable product more money can be saved

  • Buy equipment that is capable of being upgraded

  • Use rechargeable batteries and refillable ink cartridges


  • Lease equipment instead of buying. Always have the most current mode -- no worries with maintenance.

  • Before buying new items investigate repair costs

  • Use scrap paper for messages

  • Reuse envelopes for internal correspondence


The following materials should be segregated for recycling:

  • Aluminium cans

  • Steel cans

  • Glass bottles

  • Plastic bottles

  • Newspaper and Cardboard.

  • Computers and some other electronic equipment

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