Friday, January 22, 2010

Recycle. What it is all about?

Recycle. We heard this word everywhere we go. We see this word written all over the places. But do we really know the meaning of recycle. What recycle is all about? Now days, people keep repeating about the importance of recycling. Do we even bother to know or we just let people do it for us? Which group do we belongs to? Think for a while for the sake of our future.

Recycling is the processes of collecting, processing, remanufacturing, and reusing materials instead of discarding them. This helps conserve raw materials and energy that manufacturers would otherwise use in producing new products. Recycling also reduces the amount of material going into landfills. Recycling helps lessen the pollution that may result from waste disposal. Reducing our consumption of materials and reducing the waste of materials also adds to the conservation of our resources.

Since now, we already have an idea what is recycling is all about. Start now. Do recycling!

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