Friday, January 22, 2010

Why we must recycle?

A research has been made and the breakdowns of solid waste created by Malaysians:
36.5% - Household waste
27 % - Paper
16.4% - Plastic
12.5% - Others
3.9% - Steel
3.7% - Glass

Experts believe a landfill can last 10 years longer if Malaysians recycled 50% of their garbage. The residents of Johor Bahru generate 1300 tons of waste every day. It will take only 3 days to fill the entire length of the Johor Causeway with this amount of garbage. (

We produce over 15,000 tons of rubbish everyday. It is only a matter of time before we run out of space to dispose of them. Recycling reduces waste, which in turn reduces the need for landfills and dumpsites.

Recycling is cheaper in the long run compared to maintaining landfills and other systems. When recycling programs become more efficient, there will be less rubbish to dispose of.

Isn’t it so obvious why we have to do something to save our only Earth. That is why recycle is important not only to us by to everyone and also to our environment. We only have one earth.

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